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  1. Explain the advantages of the foreign investments to the national economy. explain the disadvantages of the foreign investments to the national economy.

  2. Free market economy was changed by regulated market economy. Why?

  3. Suppose productivity of labour has decreasedin your company. How are going to increase this indicator?

  4. suppose you are alone on an island . Could you tell that all the things on that island are your property. Why?

  5. suppose you are businessman. How are you going to increase the number of produts in your company?

  6. Which of the following statements are positive and which are normative?

  7. Which of the following statements refer to microeconomics and which refer to macroeconomics?

  8. Which of the problems what, how and for whom would you not have to solve?

  9. Why Kazahstan has conducted privatization process and how many periods were in the privatization ?

  10. why did our country accepte market economy system?

  11. Why does economic theory takes special attention to the learning of the production forces?

  12. why does every person can not be an entrepreneur

  13. why efficiency problems are the main problems of the economic theory?

  14. Why goods production is the basis of the market economy?

  15. Why mixed economy system is more popular system in the world economy?

  16. Why natural economy is an isolated system

  17. Why the questions what, how and for whom are the main problems of the economic theory?

  18. You have made some design on increasing productivity of labour. How does this decision influence on number of goods?

1.Foreign direct investment has many advantages for both the investor and the recipient. One of the primary benefits is that it allows money to freely go to whatever business has the best prospects for growth anywhere in the world. That's because investors aggressively seek the best return for their money with the least risk. This motive is color-blind, doesn't care about religion or form of government. This gives well-run businesses -- regardless of race, color or creed -- a competitive advantage. It reduces (but, of course, doesn't eliminate) the effects of politics, cronyism and bribery. As a result, the smartest money goes to the best businesses all over the world, bringing these goods and services to market faster than if unrestricted FDI weren't available. Investors receive additional benefits. Their risk is reduced because they can diversify their holdings outside of a specific country, industry or political system. Diversification always increases return without increasing risk. Businesses benefit by receiving management, accounting or legal guidance in keeping with the best practices practiced by their lenders. They can also incorporate the latest technology, innovations in operational practices, and new financing tools that they might not otherwise be aware of. By adopting these practices, they enhance their employees' lifestyles, helping to create a better standard of living for the recipient country. In addition, since the best companies get rewarded with these benefits, local governments have less influence, and aren't as able to pursue poor economic policies. Too much foreign ownership of companies can be a concern, especially in industries that are strategically important. Sophisticated foreign investors can use their skills to strip the company of its value without adding any. They can sell off unprofitable portions of the company to local, less sophisticated investors. Or, they can borrow against the company's collateral locally, and lend the funds back to the parent company.


3. Suppose productivity of labour has decreasedin your company. How are going to increase this indicator?Increase in labor productivity in the enterprise is manifested in the form of:increase the mass of products produced per unit of time at a fixed quality and quantity,improving product quality at a constant to its mass produced per unit time,reduce the cost of labor per unit of production,reducing the share of labor costs in the cost of production,reduce the time of production and circulation of goods,increase in the mass and rate of return.

4. On the island it is possible to consider all things as your property only at conditions that the separate each property never had the owner. and you remained only one and so will proceed. Only in it it is possible to consider a case that all things on the island are yours. If owners are available, you have no right to take away and consider as the their property. But there are such things which never will be your property. For example: nature, environment, animal and others. if I alone remained on the island. I would consider that all things belong to me. It is not necessary any documents which confirm it.

5. Attract more new customers.

- Concludes with more deals.

- Sell more products to everyone.

- Take for each product for more money.

- Do more repeat sales.

- Use more ways to save.

the secret of success in business. The secret to this is simple and is described in just two words:

Invented - do it!

6. Which of the following statements are positive and which are normative? In my opinion the first statement belongs to positive economy because the positive economy – a part of the economic theory which studies and explains observable economic factors, events, processes; establishes connection between them. Positive judgments are judgments that is. That is, they are buttressed up by facts. I would carry the second statement to normative economy as the normative economy – a part of the economic theory which orders, advises, how it is necessary to pursue economic policy, to operate economy. Therefore, she relies on estimated judgments, subjective opinions that as should be.


8. Which of the problems what, how and for whom would you not have to solve? Economic choice – a way of distribution of limited resources which allows to achieve a maximum of the benefits. But a choice – only the strong-willed act. Material force which could realize, carry out this choice is necessary still. Such material force is production. The economy is the production realizing a free choice of each his participant. So, the choice of sequence of satisfaction of requirements turns absolute limitation of resources in relative, and production – into economy. Any society, whether is it completely collectivized communistic state, the capitalist industrial nation, the tribe of Indians mislaid in the jungle of Amazon or even if it consists of one person mislaid on the island should solve in one way or another three fundamental interconnected economic issues (three main issues). what? what of the possible goods and services should be made in this economic system during a certain period of time? how? at what combination of production resources with what use of technology the goods chosen from possible options and service should be made? For whom? who will buy the chosen goods and services, to pay them taking thus benefit. As the gross income of society of production of these goods and services should be distributed. In our family of a problem concerning economy is provided for my parents.

9. Why Kazahstan has conducted privatization process and how many periods were in the privatization ? Privatization is part of the wider process of denationalization-economy. Privatization is moving from a predominantly public-policy regulation of production to its regulation is mainly based on market mechanisms.

Since 1991, the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the first time identified the right to private property, then took the first steps towards privatization and decentralization aimed at converting State property into other forms, creation of conditions for the transition to a market economy.

Privatization is aimed at achieving the following objectives:

• reduction of government expenditure

• the formation of a layer of private owners

• creation of competitive environment

• increase the efficiency of enterprises

• promotion of demonopolization of the economy

• attracting foreign investors.

Privatization is the State Committee for State property and its territorial bodies, with the participation of ministries, agencies and local administrations. Privatisation was carried out in stages. At each stage as the primary instrument for the management of these implemented privatization and improving the management of State property in 1999-2000, which was carried out by the transfer of the right of ownership and use of state blocks of shares of sectoral ministries and departments.processes were Government programmes.

The first two phases, covering the period from 1991 to 1992.(1 phase) and the 1993 to 1995 (2 stage), the main objective was to create the necessary conditions for the transition from a centrally planned to a market economy. Privatization was implemented for paid and free of charge. The labour collectives of public ownership enterprises where they worked was transferred on concessional terms through privatization.

At the second stage, in 1993, adopted a national program of denationalization and privatization in the Republic of Kazakhstan for the 1993-1995 biennium. This program included privatizing large and unique objects for individual projects, mass privatization of medium-sized enterprises and privatization carried out through auctions, competitions.

The third phase took place from 1996 to 1998, its main distinguishing feature was that privatization was carried out only on a fee basis. The work carried out in accordance with the programme for privatization and restructuring of State property of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the 1996-1998 period. Within its framework have been implemented in the electricity sector programmes; oil, gas and petrochemical, metallurgy and mining, transport and communication ¬ communications (ground, air transport, communication), the agro-industrial complexes and social services (health, education, culture, tourism and sports).

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